Friday, October 14, 2011

Federalist 51

The difficulty that James Madison poses is the fact that when men govern men there tends to be a struggle to be the most powerful. Through the constitution this difficulty is solved. In Federalist 51 it states that the governing people must be untied, "all the power surrendered by the people is submitted to the administration of a single government." Although there are many different separations in the setup of the government, they must somehow communicate a common goal. The auxiliary precautions established a body of fundamental law which clearly limited the power of the government.They were specifically forbidden from doing certain things. This establishes the common ground.  It also works as a system of checks and balances. 

Checks and balances


  1. Great points. I felt you could elaborate more on Auxiliary Precautions and explain more about the Federalist 51 papers to make your essay longer and easier to understand.

  2. Your essay is a little on the short side. The auxiliary precautions were also a little vague and could have been described more in depth. To make the essay stronger, the Federalist 51 letter could be referenced to more.

  3. Good ideas and good writing, but it probably would've been a little better had you put in some more detail. Try going a little deeper next time and it'll be really good!
